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I immediately liked it and knew there was something very special about these actors, who, at the time, I had no idea that they were also the filmmakers. After being I recently discovered their films when I had Knuckle Jack sitting in my watchlist for too long and decided to finally watch it. It’s a rocky process psychologically, especially since she received a disconcerting message from another realm.I recently discovered their films when I had Knuckle Jack sitting in my watchlist for too long and decided to finally watch it. Ivy becomes more determined and desperate to figure out what’s going on with Echo, so she returns to the roots of her spiritual practice. It doesn’t help that Ivy shows up at his house and that he keeps seeing Echo even though she’s not necessarily with him anymore. Meanwhile, Kurt is dealing with the choices that he made in regards to her and not well. When the next day arrives, she goes to the police to report that Echo is missing. Ivy knows almost immediately that something isn’t right. Instead of calling the police, he picks her up and takes her to his house. Right as he was about to get home, he hits Echo with his truck. He arguably shouldn’t have driven home in his condition, but he did it anyway. On this same evening, the Allen’s neighbor, Kurt (John Adams) was getting drunk and eating dinner at the local bar. Because Echo is a teenager, she goes sledding anyway. Echo wants to go sledding at the outset of the film, but Ivy says she can’t because she has to see a client. Echo is an incredibly smart 14-year-old, and her mother is the town psychic/tarot reader.

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Taking place in a small mountain town, we first meet the Allen’s, Ivy (Toby Poser) and Echo (Zelda Adams). This sentiment manifests itself in a very real way in John Adams and Toby Poser’s American gothic ghost story The Deeper You Dig. Guilt often comes back to haunt us after regrettable actions.

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